Not daring to call clients because you don’t want to spoil your relationship with them, Final Demands not being sent out, or continually sending Final Demands instead of going into litigation: many small and medium-sized businesses just wait too long before engaging a debt collection agency. There is really no need for any of that. Your debtors know full well that they need to pay. If we take over the debtor admin from you, your customer relationship remains flawless.
We carefully examine all the debts to be collected before carrying out the necessary work. We’re firm about the contents, but mild and respectful of your customer relationship while remaining critical of you as our contractor and debtee. When we notice that some procedures could do with an upgrade, we will be sure to share that with you. Unasked-for advice will therefore also be forthcoming. Everybody improves that way!
What exactly is it that your situation demands: immediate final demands being sent, calling the client or going into litigation? Every customer is different. We use our 25 years of experience in all our advisories. You’ll notice this by our fast decision-making, our approachability to the debtor and the supple procedures. Tailormade means being honest with you and giving you tips and advice on (for instance) unpaid invoices that could perhaps have been avoided.
Unlike most other debt collecting agencies, we actually think about your workflow and procedures, with you. Sometimes, that unpaid invoice is down to some error or other in your own administration, or perhaps even an ingrained bad habit. “That’s the way we always do it” is something we regularly hear. The consequences of this? Invoices being issued far too late, Final Demands being delayed and, often, a certain reluctance to call the client. By examining things from the start and by collectively thinking things through, we can immediately get ahead of things and together attempt to lower your DSO.
What really makes us stand out from our colleagues is our method of communication. One definitive contact person, immediately reachable via telephone or email. None of those impersonal telephonic choice menus, just a direct number or email address – for our creditors and for their defaulting client.
Recovery of unpaid claims
Travelled for worldwide customers
The majority of indebted respond
To deal with our debt collections we use Othomatic. This is a system that is so well set up, it can handle each and every procedure, including yours. You will immediately save time because you can deliver not only single cases but batches (portfolios) of thousands of final demands, automatically. The question is not whether or not our system can handle all your final demands, but whether or not your department can handle all the inbound responses. We are regularly asked by a creditors to send out the summonses in phased batches instead of huge numbers all at once.
Many of your clients/debtors will actually contact you first upon receiving a summons from us. Even big international debt collecting agencies activate us for fast results. We sometimes joke that is makes no difference at all who originally issues any international final demands, the file ends up with us anyway.
Naturally, you have full access to all your casefiles at all times, so you have immediate insight into the status of any demand.
It is of no consequence where a debtor is based, we will always attempt to reach them. We are capable of fact action in 180 different countries. Because we work with local partners, the debtee is still close-by – this gives added incentive to the debtor’s paying behaviours. It’s a two-way street though: many foreign creditors choose to work with our agency for unpaid demands in the Netherlands.
What are you actually aiming for? Call +31 (0)36 5460505 for an appointment We will check, together with you, just what the challenges are in the whole process.
As debtee, you can contact us for advice on and activation of debtor administration and debt collection. We are regularly activated by local businesses, small and medium-sized across the whole of the Netherlands, and large (financial) institutions both here and abroad. Think: car hire enterprises, hospitals and internationally operating webshops. Even large, international debt collection agencies use us as their debt collectors. Simply because of our fast procedures and our effectiveness. We take the whole debt collection procedure out of everyone’s hands and will also litigate where necessary.
Unique: you could also activate us solely for your international debt collections, even if you have your own debt collection system here.
In our experience, a quick telephone call can be very effective. It does, however, require time and expertise. Our tele-collect team approaches your debtors as if they are calling from your debtor administration department.
Because of our direct contact with your customers, we immediately note any problems. This means you can use this within your own organisation, your clients are happy to remain your client and are usually also happy to pay sooner rather than later, simply because they feel listened to. We could also arrange payment procedures on your behalf, which can often actually prevent a full debt collection procedure.
If your client decides they don’t want to pay and they have no reason for non-payment, the next step is often, after the initial, cordial debt collection procedure, the courts. Our team is vastly experienced in arranging litigation procedures. Where required (by law or otherwise) we collaborate with various specialised solicitors. We have a very efficient collaboration that reduces costs, with a team of bailiffs. It is indeed practical that many bailiffs in the Netherlands use the very same debt collection system as we ourselves do. The mutual communication is therefore swift and simple.
Before commencing with a debt collection procedure, we can deliver your final summons. In the case of a so-called B2C collection, sending a “14 days letter” is a must. The text must adhere to all kinds of conditions and the amount of possible extra costs must be correctly noted. We can take all this work off your desk and we will take care of the final summonses too. That particular summons falls under our letterhead but has your bank and contact details. This could be just a few final demands per month, all the way up to huge numbers of demands, and you can choose whether these are sent via (registered) mail that requires an actual signature or sent per e-mail.
We’re happy to discuss all the possibilities and will send you an estimate for services rendered based on the number of final demands to be sent, as well all as your preferences.
Lid NVI, registratienummer N1325
Incasso- en adviesbureau
VMP & Partners B.V.
Sidderaalpad 5
1317 HJ Almere
036 5460505
KvK 39064288
AFM-licentienummer 12046218